The birth of a JERZY DROZD creation is not solely the fruit of inspiration, but rather encompasses an entire age old background of technical, materials science, and above all, artistic knowledge. Each piece that master Jerzy Drozd, icon of bass guitar design and artisanship, creates in his Atelier is a unique work of art. JERZY DROZD Creations Care is based on a technical as well as ethical certainty: the skills required to care and service a JERZY DROZD are the same as those required to make one.
Built with the most noble materials, the useful life of a JERZY DROZD is almost limitless; but even they, extremely reliable and durable, need a repair or restoration at some point. And when that happens, logic suggestes that the hands who can best restore your instrument are those that originally built it. At THE BIRD RESTORE CENTRE all services to JERZY DROZD instruments are exclusively perfomed by master luthier Jerzy Drozd. No other hands will touch your JERZY DROZD creation.
Built with the most noble materials, the useful life of a JERZY DROZD is almost limitless; but even they, extremely reliable and durable, need a repair or restoration at some point. And when that happens, logic suggestes that the hands who can best restore your instrument are those that originally built it. At THE BIRD RESTORE CENTRE all services to JERZY DROZD instruments are exclusively perfomed by master luthier Jerzy Drozd. No other hands will touch your JERZY DROZD creation.